Learn Arabic Online

I have been wanting to learn arabic for years now.  And during that time I have had this thought that if I could learn how the structure of the language works, that would build a foundation to learn more.  But I never knew how.

Until I came across a Facebook blog post about this website and specifically the free video tutorials that you get started with by entering your email address.

Yes, I know, we are all cautious about entering our email address anywhere, and, I am telling you from my personal experience that I have watched so far 2 of the 4 free videos and briefly read through a free downloaded document explaining how the language works and I have learned a ton so far and am very excited about continuing on.

I benefit none from sharing this, except to hopefully open the door of learning Arabic to someone else who is like me and would like to learn but overwhelmed with how.

Check it out.  Share your experience below for others.

Here is the link: Learn Arabic Online.  I am pretty sure if you enter your email address in the obvious place in the middle of the page you will end up where I did, with emails showing up with access to the videos.  Good luck.

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